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Blood Typing

An open platform for blood group typing

Transforming Extended Molecular Blood Group Antigen Typing

Blood group antigen genotyping, an attractive and transformative alternative to classical serology, is gaining rapid acceptance in immunohematology laboratories. Agena Bioscience® provides a comprehensive collection of ready-to-use genotyping assays for extended antigen typing of erythrocytes, platelets, and neutrophils.

Our technology involves multiplex end-point PCR and single base primer extension followed by precise detection and automated measurement with the MassARRAY® System. Hemo ID® software converts assigned genotypes into predicted phenotypes and enables data visualization and custom report generation.

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Try our Custom Assay services

Assays by Agena scientists design and develop custom research use assays. Assays can be developed for targeted germline or somatic genotyping, translocations, copy number variants and methylation profiling.

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