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Faster and Easier Chimerism Testing

Chimerism results with the push of a button

Escape burdensome setup and time-intensive results interpretation. Calculate chimerism results instantly. Enable staff to focus on other lab priorities.

Easy Setup & Automated Results Reporting

The Chimeric ID Panel and automated results reporting enable labs to generate chimerism results more quickly and easily. The SNP-based panel performs well across a wide range of DNA inputs. Limited DNA from sorted cell extractions? Heavily concentrated DNA from peripheral blood or bone marrow? Simply put the DNA into the reaction. No dilution or sample specific calculations required.

The automated results reporter is included with the panel. Contribution percentages from major and minor profiles are calculated in seconds and displayed in easy-to-interpret reports. Monitor results over time with historic results tracking.


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Try our Custom Assay services

Assays by Agena scientists design and develop custom research use assays. Assays can be developed for targeted germline or somatic genotyping, translocations, copy number variants and methylation profiling.

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