Agena Bioscience - Hereditary Genetics Icon

Hereditary Genetic Analysis

Enabling labs to cost effectively interrogate variants of interest in hereditary genetics

The MassARRAY System provides a cost-effective and flexible analysis method for a variety of hereditary genetic applications.

  • Cost-effectively analyze the most common variants associated with your hereditary genetics panels.
  • Our portfolio includes industry recommended CFTR variants.

Quickly characterize variants associated with genetically inherited sequences. Choose from a standard panel or create a custom panel to fit your specific needs.

Don’t see what you need here?

Try our Custom Assay services

Assays by Agena scientists design and develop custom research use assays. Assays can be developed for targeted germline or somatic genotyping, translocations, copy number variants and methylation profiling.

Learn About Custom Assays

Revolutionize your molecular workflow

Talk to a scientist about how the MassARRAY System increases lab efficiency.

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