Agena Bioscience - Liquid Biopsy Icon

Liquid Biopsy

Sensitivity and coverage for cfDNA samples

Liquid biopsy research studies require sensitivity. The MassARRAY® System can detect variants as low as 0.1% allele frequency at a low cost, making it ideally suited for detecting low abundance mutations.

While liquid biopsies provide easier access to tumor cells and DNA, they don’t necessarily provide enough. With just a few copies of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) per mL of plasma, you cannot afford to run multiple tests to detect all emerging resistance markers. The multiplexing capability of the UltraSEEK® chemistry makes it easy to detect over 100 variants, including insertions and deletions, using cfDNA from a single blood draw.

Sample Requirements Icon

Sample Requirements

Use DNA isolated from a variety of samples including blood plasma, circulating cell-free DNA and circulating tumor cells.

DNA Input
per reaction:

≥10 ng or ≥3,300 copies of amplifiable template
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Custom Assay Design

Assays by Agena scientists design and develop custom research use assays. Assays can be developed for targeted germline or somatic genotyping, translocations, copy number variants and methylation profiling.

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